Friday, September 27, 2024

Self Grooming : An integral part of Womanhood

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever it's lovelinesss increases  it will never pass into not sexhingness"
John Keats

Love your body it really works :-some people consider beauty care as competition or mere survival  good health.Your good looks indeed  is a reflection of your kindness to the word. The Way you move and stand have a pride in your self.firstly yourself and improve what you are.Good grooming is a good manners.

Perfect posture is your most positive statement -:Love your body  and everyone else will too.Keep your body well tended ,clean and Regular medical check ups and twice a year to the dentist vitamins and a balanced diet , enough sleep..all these are your allies.Use them Study body language.Learn to convey your message by your movements.Perfect posture is one of your most positive statements.

Wear what is right for you:
"Look for  the woman in the dress is the main theme in today's world 
"If there is no woman ,theris no dressing 
Always wear clean and comfortable clothes 
Go with fashion , but don't your self  into fashion slavery
Other etiquettes
Politeness: Be kind and respectful to others.
Communication: Practice clear and effective communication.

 Be attentive: Be attentive to those around you.

Neha Uppal

*Rediscovering Innocence in the Adult World*

In the hustle and complexity of adult life, we often forget that deep within each of us resides a child—a being that marvels at the world with wonder, plays with reckless abandon, and dares to dream beyond the limits of logic. While society dictates that we mature, adopt responsibility, and conform to certain standards of behavior, the inner child persists, quietly yearning to express itself. This paradoxical existence of the adult and the child within forms a nuanced tapestry that is both delicate and profound.
At its core, the idea that "there is a child in every man" speaks to the innocence, curiosity, and playfulness that continue to define our humanity, no matter how sophisticated or cynical we may become. In a world driven by pragmatism and the unrelenting pursuit of goals, we often lose sight of these qualities. But they manifest in surprising moments—whether it's the unabashed joy we experience during simple pleasures, the sense of awe when we encounter nature's beauty, or even the vulnerability we feel in situations of love and loss.

The Playful Spirit: Fuel for Creativity

Perhaps one of the most significant ways the inner child reveals itself is through creativity. For many adults, creativity is viewed as a skill set or a profession. But, in truth, it is an expression of that same playful spirit we had as children. Whether it’s in writing, painting, building, or even problem-solving, the creative process involves a degree of imagination that transcends the mundane. The child within dares us to dream, invent, and reimagine the world, defying conventional boundaries.
Think about those moments of spontaneous laughter, those impromptu games, or whimsical thoughts that cross your mind, despite the pressure of daily routines. These are echoes of the untainted child inside—the one who still believes in endless possibilities. The same child who once believed a cardboard box could be a spaceship now fuels the adult's wild ambition to innovate and challenge norms. The creative adult is often the child who survived.

Vulnerability and Trust: Lessons from Youth

If creativity is one facet of the inner child, vulnerability is another. Children are naturally open, unguarded, and unafraid to express their emotions. Adults, on the other hand, tend to build walls—layers of self-protection, shaped by experiences of rejection, failure, or pain. But there are moments when these walls crumble, revealing our raw, human need for connection and trust.
Vulnerability, though often seen as a weakness, is in fact a bridge to authenticity. The child in us is not ashamed of needing others, of seeking comfort, or expressing fear. This vulnerability, when embraced, enables us to form genuine relationships and experience empathy on a deeper level. It teaches us that strength is not in hiding our emotions, but in the courage to express them.
Even in love, it’s the childlike ability to trust that allows us to open up fully to others, despite the risks. A child believes in the goodness of others without hesitation; an adult, jaded by time, forgets that such faith is not only possible but necessary for profound connection.

Rediscovering Joy in Simplicity

One of the most poignant characteristics of childhood is the ability to find joy in the simplest things. While adulthood bombards us with obligations and anxieties, there is always an undercurrent of joy waiting to be rediscovered if we allow ourselves to pause and listen.
The inner child does not need grand achievements or material wealth to feel fulfilled. A walk in the park, the sound of birdsong, the sight of stars on a clear night—these are moments of pure, unfiltered joy that the child recognizes immediately. The adult, steeped in deadlines and expectations, may overlook these wonders. But they are there, patiently waiting to be acknowledged.
This sense of wonder is not naivety, but a form of wisdom. The child in us understands what many adults fail to grasp: happiness often resides in the little things, in the present moment, and in the ability to simply be without agenda or aspiration.

The Eternal Struggle: Balancing the Child and the Adult

As we navigate the responsibilities of adulthood, we face the challenge of keeping our inner child alive while maintaining the poise expected of us. The adult self, driven by logic and societal expectation, often clashes with the child’s desire for spontaneity and freedom. Yet, it is in finding a balance between these two selves that we achieve true harmony.
The inner child should not be viewed as something that needs to be “tamed” or suppressed. On the contrary, it is the source of our most authentic selves. It is a reminder of who we are beneath the layers of conformity, caution, and complexity. The challenge lies in integrating that childlike essence into our adult lives—allowing ourselves to play, to dream, and to love unconditionally, even in a world that often discourages such behavior

* Embracing the Child Within*

The child within every man is a gift—a source of endless curiosity, unrestrained creativity, and unyielding hope. In a world that prizes adulthood, with its associated gravitas and responsibilities, it’s important to remember that maturity does not mean forsaking the joy and wonder of childhood. Instead, it is about balancing the two: the wisdom of the adult with the heart of the child.
In moments of silence, when the noise of the world fades, we can still hear the voice of that child, reminding us to look at life with fresh eyes and an open heart. For in every man, no matter how burdened or aged, there remains the spirit of the child—vibrant, hopeful, and ready to play.

Rosy Sharma

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Importance of English Language

Language is our major means of communication; it is how we share our thoughts with others. A language’s secondary purpose is to convey someone’s sentiments, emotions, or attitudes. English is one such language in the world that satisfies both the above purposes. It has become part and parcel of almost every existing field. We use it as the international language to communicate in many fields ranging from business to entertainment.
In the fast-evolving world, it is essential to have a common language that we can understand to make the best use of the data and information available. As a result, the English Language has become a storehouse of various knowledge ranging from social to political fields.

Learning English Language can help in getting a job easily. As it has become the language of many fields, it automatically increases the chances of landing a good job in a good company.

Another important reason to learn this language is that it makes travelling easier. Being a widely used language globally, it will help you connect with people easily. Similarly, it is also essential in the world of business.

It does not matter whether you are an employee or employer, it benefits everyone. Students who wish to study abroad must definitely study this language.

Why and where do we need the English language?

Due to the tremendous rise of information technology, particularly the internet, English is the language of choice for Internet users. 
English has become one of the majorly used languages to understand, learn and explain concepts from various fields of knowledge. The majority of instructional tools, materials, and texts are written in english.
The most important function of a language is to allow people to communicate effectively. For many years, English has been the most widely known and valued language on the planet. In other words, English becomes an efficient tool for communicating with people all over the world.

Thus, being the most common second language in the world, it will be beneficial to learn this language to open doors to new opportunities.


Stay Healthy !!

Health is God’s gift to us. To stay healthy is not an option but a necessity to live a happy life. The basic laws of good health are related to the food we eat, the amount of physical exercise we do, our cleanliness, rest, and relaxation. A healthy person views things calmly, and without prejudice.

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man! Because he sacrifices his health to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.  This signifies that individuals don’t prioritise their mental health to earn money. Some even work 24 hours a day or seven days a week. 
Children need to maintain good physical and mental health. With an increase in the pressure of studies and over-indulgence in modern gadgets, children are losing the most precious thing, which is health. These days, they barely play in the playgrounds, they are more inclined towards junk food and spend more time on the screen. These unhealthy activities are slowly sabotaging their health. Parents should concentrate on the physical and mental health of their children, and inculcate good habits for maintaining a healthy lifestyle from a tender age.   
Health is Wealth because if we are not healthy then all our wealth, fame and power can bring no enjoyment. Keeping fit and healthy is indeed not an option but a necessity.

Dolly Spehia

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Take care of Health

Health refers to the physical and mental state of a human being. 
Taking care of health is very important in today's hectic and busy life. People don't have time to take care of their health. That is the reason they are facing a lot of problems in their lives. Not even physical but mental health is equally important. There are certain points  one needs to follow to take care of physical health. Such as eat healthy food, stay hydrated, avoid sugary drinks, sleep well, do exercises and so on. To take care of mental health one needs to do some engaging activities, do meditation and give time to hobbies.Awareness is also important. Everyone must take care of their physical as well as mental health.

Neha Dhingra

Life in the Hallways: The Unseen World of Student Life

School corridors are more than just spaces between classrooms; they're the pulse of student life. From laughter to learning, these hallways witness moments of camaraderie, personal growth, and even small triumphs that go unnoticed by the outside world.

**The Corridor Culture**

In the corridors, students:
- Catch up with friends
- Share laughs and gossip
- Discuss assignments and projects
- Recharge before returning to class
- Peep into their friends' classes

These spaces serve as a vital zone for mental peace and wellness.

The best lessons are often learned from each other, not from textbooks. The vibrant energy of school corridors fosters connections and informal learning that shape a student’s journey.

Ms Shinky Bansal

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Effective Teaching Practices: Fostering Student Success

As educators, we strive to create an environment that promotes learning, growth, and student success. Here are some effective teaching practices to enhance your teaching toolkit:

1. _Personalized Learning_: Tailor your approach to meet individual needs and interests.

2. _Inquiry-Based Learning_: Encourage curiosity and exploration through hands-on activities.

3. _Differentiation_: Cater to diverse learning styles and abilities.

4. _Technology Integration_: Leverage technology to enhance engagement and understanding.

5. _Feedback and Assessment_: Provide regular, constructive feedback to guide student progress.

6. _Inclusive Classroom_: Foster a welcoming environment that values diversity and promotes equity.

7. _Flexibility and Adaptability_: Be open to adjusting your approach as needed.

8. _Student Autonomy_: Encourage independence and self-directed learning.

9. _Collaboration and Communication_: Build strong relationships with students, parents, and colleagues.

10. _Continuous Professional Development_: Stay updated on best practices and research to refine your craft.

By incorporating these teaching practices, you'll create a supportive and stimulating environment that allows students to thrive.

Gurpreet kour

Personal development:A Stimulator

Personal development is a way to better understand yourself
Personal development is a push. It’s a struggle. It’s a challenge. But there wouldn’t be any winning without a challenge. New habits don’t come easy, but they can be developed.
  It is an art in itself, and one that takes a lifetime of practice to master.

Personal development is a way to better understand yourself, your unique personality and potential, your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your aspirations and your talents. It is a way to improve every aspect of your life and to realize many different possibilities to achieve more than you ever thought was possible.
Moreover, personal development involves acquiring new skills and knowledge. Learning is a lifelong process, and it is important to continually invest in one's personal and professional growth. This could involve attending workshops, taking courses, or even engaging in self-study. By continuously expanding our skillset, we become more adaptable and prepared for new challenges.
In conclusion,it is a process that requires self-reflection, self-awareness, and proactive habits.

Jyoti Verma

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


*"Peace begins with a smile."-  Mother Teresa* 
With all the choas in the world today. Its easy to become agitated and distressed. During those moments when we feel overwhelmed with anxiety and worry, there are several paths we can take to can calm down and restore our inner peace. Some of us find being surrounded by nature soothing, many of us practice yoga to relieve stress and others turn to God and our faith to balance our weary souls.So journey of peace begins to smile. A peaceful smile is such a wonderful thing because it indicates that you have an inner peace that many people in the world never get to experience .If you can reach to the point of having an inner peace even for one moment then you have achieved an amazing thing you can be an asset to the people in the world if you are willing to share your peaceful smile with others. Don't keep it all to yourself.Go out into the world and smile at people who need it. It is well said by someone *"Happiness is fuel to success*" so we can follow to maximize your positive energy and build an internal peace. When a person is happy he is  more productive in his work when he is more productive, then his work will be different from others.

 *"The greatest self is a peaceful smile that always sees the world  smiling back"*


विदेश जाने की होड़ में

 सपना बन गया हर किसी का 

  विदेशों में जाकर बसने का 

  माता_पिता की सब जमा पूंजियाँ

  सब लगा दी विदेश जाने की खातिर 

  वृद्ध मांँ पिता के अंतिम समय में 

  कौन आएगा फिर उनकी खातिर

  विदेश जाने की होड़ में

  हम भूल रहें हैं अपने रिश्ते खून के।

  हम भूल न जाएंँ उन वीरों को 

 जिन्होंने अपना सर्वस्व अर्पित कर दिया

 इस देश वतन की खातिर

 मेरी एक गुज़ारिश है सरकार से 

 दे दें इनको रोज़गार इनकी योग्यता के हिसाब से 

ताकि न पड़े यह युवा पीढ़ी विदेश जाने की होड़ में 

 अन्य वतन में जाने की दौड़ में 

 हम भूल रहें हैं अपने रिश्ते खून के।

Ms. Manisha

Monday, September 16, 2024


Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate towards others. It involves showing compassion, empathy, and concern for the well-being of others without expecting anything in return. Kindness can take many forms, from small gestures like smiling and holding the door open for someone to larger acts like volunteering and donating to charity.

Practicing kindness can have numerous benefits, both for the giver and the receiver. It can create a sense of connection and community, reduce stress and anxiety, and even improve physical health. When we show kindness to others, it can brighten their day and inspire them to pay it forward, creating a ripple effect of good deeds.

Moreover, kindness can help to break down barriers and build bridges between people from different backgrounds and cultures. It can foster a sense of understanding, tolerance, and acceptance, leading to a more harmonious and inclusive society.

In conclusion, kindness is a powerful force that can bring people together and make the world a better place. By incorporating kindness into our daily lives, we can create a positive impact that resonates far and wide.

Teena Sharma

*Procrastination is the Thief of Time*

Someone has rightly said, "The cost of procrastination is the life you could have lived." Human beings have been procrastinating for years, and this problem is timeless and universal. Greek philosophers Aristotle and Socrates even developed a particular term to describe this behavior: Akrasia. Akrasia is the state of overthinking and acting against your better judgment. It is when we do one thing, even though we know we should be doing something else, something more important. It is a force that hampers us from accomplishing tasks we have already set for ourselves.

The question that arises here is: Why do people procrastinate? Well, there can be many reasons or distractions that delay action. One of the most common factors is the fear of failure. It is human nature to avoid challenging tasks. Other reasons may include laziness, low self-esteem, poor determination, and lack of focus. We hesitate to act promptly, and because of this temperamental inability, we are often deprived of the benefits of timely action.

A sage once said that conditions are never just right. People who delay action, waiting for all factors to be favorable, often end up achieving nothing. This is not uncommon; nine out of ten people, especially students nowadays, procrastinate until the deadline and later regret their actions.

We can overcome this problem because while we may delay, time once lost will never return. If we carefully analyze the reasons behind procrastination, the most important factor is a lack of motivation and appreciation. So, always share your thoughts and ideas with someone you trust, so that you can receive the encouragement you need to complete tasks on time.

Always be clear about your goals, act confidently, and earn the maximum benefits. Never let mundane thoughts ruin your life. Give yourself permission to make mistakes, because after all, you are human. Never let this deadliest disease take a toll on your success and happiness.Always believe in yourself, congratulate yourself on finishing tasks, and reward yourself.

Jaswinder Kaur

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Meditation - A great way to live a happy life

Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to focus, observe, and eventually reach a state of mental clarity and emotional calm. It is a technique used to cultivate awareness, mindfulness, and inner peace. Meditation can take many forms, including:

Mindfulness meditation: Being fully aware of the present moment without judgment

Concentration meditation: Focusing on a single point of attention, like the breath or a mantra.

Loving-kindness meditation: Developing feelings of compassion and love for oneself and others

Guided meditation: Following a narrator or guide to lead you through visualization or relaxation exercises

  • Why is Meditation Required in Our Lives?

Meditation is essential for several reasons that can positively impact mental, emotional, and physical well-being:

Stress and Anxiety Reduction:

Meditation allows individuals to pause and observe their thoughts without attachment, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.

 It helps you manage life's pressures by cultivating a sense of calm and balance.

Improved Focus and Concentration:

Regular meditation strengthens the mind’s ability to focus and sustain attention. It enhances cognitive functions like memory and learning, making it easier to handle everyday tasks.

Emotional Stability: Meditation encourages emotional balance by allowing individuals to become more aware of their emotions. This self-awareness can help process feelings more effectively, resulting in emotional resilience and a more positive outlook on life

Enhanced Self-Awareness:

Meditation helps people connect with their inner thoughts, values, and desires. This self-awareness promotes personal growth and encourages individuals to live in alignment with their true selves.

Better Physical Health:

Meditation has physical benefits such as lowering blood pressure, improving sleep, and boosting the immune system. It reduces the physical effects of stress on the body, improving overall health.

Increased Mindfulness:

Through meditation, one cultivates mindfulness, the practice of being fully present and aware in each moment. Mindfulness helps reduce distractions, improves decision-making, and encourages greater appreciation for life’s small moments.

Improved Relationships:

By developing compassion, patience, and a deeper understanding of oneself, meditation can lead to better communication and empathy in relationships.

In essence, meditation offers a path to mental clarity, emotional well-being, and physical health, which can improve overall quality of life.

Ms. Lovedeep Kaur

E- learning in education

 A learning system based on formalised teaching but with the help of electronic resources is known as E-learning. While teaching can be based in or out of the classrooms, the use of computers and the Internet forms the major component of E-learning. 

One of the importance of e-learning in education is that tutors and participants both can develop advanced learning skills. There is a good practice of knowledge sharing followed through different online platforms. This is important in current times as competition is rising and the world is also growing. Hence, quick information helps in the better growth of an individual. Geographical boundaries had made it difficult for teachers and students to travel to other countries. This new trend has helped in providing consistent education.

Despite everything that e-learning has to offer, there are some disadvantages. Ie. - Lack of Motivation, lack of face to face interaction, , lack of control, isolation, technology issues .


But the reality is e-learning is already ensconced in our education system. From e-mail to learning management system, education is going electronic. The e-learning is a treasure trove of rich benefits and exciting advances just waiting to be discovered. But there are also major pitfalls that must be carefully avoided.

Ms. Vijeeta

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Sunshine Squad

Spreading Joy, One Smile at a Time"
Have you ever noticed how a simple smile from a stranger can brighten up your day? 
Or how a kind word from a friend can make your heart feel warm and fuzzy?
That's the magic of humanity! We're all part of a secret squad, spreading joy and kindness wherever we go.
Think about it: a gentle gesture, a listening ear, or a helping hand can change someone's life. And it's contagious! When we see someone being kind, we're inspired to pay it forward.
So, let's make a pact to be the sunshine in someone's day. Let's be the reason someone smiles, laughs, or feels seen.
Join the Sunshine Squad!
• Hold the door open for someone
• Send a surprise text to a friend
• Listen to someone who needs it
• Share a smile with your loved ones
Together, we can create a ripple effect of kindness and make the world a brighter, more loving place!
Spread the sunshine, squad!

Pinki Chana

Mental Health in the Digital Age: A Detailed Discussion

The digital age has revolutionized how we connect, work, and interact, but it has also introduced significant challenges to mental health. The omnipresence of smartphones, social media platforms, and digital communication tools has created an environment where people are constantly connected, leading to both positive and negative impacts on mental well-being. While digital platforms provide spaces for connection, community building, and access to mental health resources, they also expose users to risks such as cyberbullying, online harassment, and the harmful effects of social comparison.

One of the most concerning impacts of digital technology on mental health is the phenomenon of social comparison. Social media, in particular, encourages users to present idealized versions of their lives, often leading others to compare their own lives unfavorably. This "compare and despair" effect can result in feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. As psychologist Dr. Jean Twenge points out, "The more time adolescents spend on screens, the more likely they are to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression." This is especially true for teenagers and young adults, who are in critical stages of self-development and are more vulnerable to external validation and criticism.

Moreover, the constant connectivity enabled by digital devices has blurred the boundaries between personal and professional lives, leading to what some experts call the "always-on" culture. This culture can contribute to burnout, stress, and mental fatigue as individuals feel pressured to be constantly available and responsive, whether for work, social engagements, or personal updates. A study by the American Psychological Association found that "constant check-ins on social media platforms can lead to heightened stress, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness," showing that even though people are more connected than ever, many feel increasingly isolated.

Cyberbullying and online harassment are other critical issues affecting mental health in the digital age. The anonymity provided by the internet often emboldens individuals to engage in negative behaviors, such as spreading rumors, making derogatory comments, or threatening others. These actions can have devastating effects on the mental health of victims, leading to anxiety, depression, and in severe cases, self-harm or suicidal ideation. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that "youth who are bullied electronically are at an increased risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors," underscoring the severe impact of such digital interactions.

Despite these challenges, the digital age also offers new opportunities for mental health support and advocacy. Online communities, mental health apps, and teletherapy have made it easier for people to access support, especially for those in remote areas or who face stigma in seeking help. Social media campaigns and influencers are also increasingly using their platforms to raise awareness about mental health issues and promote positive coping mechanisms. However, while digital tools can play a crucial role in mental health advocacy and support, it is essential to approach them with caution and ensure they are used in ways that promote, rather than hinder, well-being.

To mitigate the negative impacts of digital technology on mental health, experts recommend strategies such as digital detoxes—periods of time when individuals disconnect from digital devices and social media to recharge mentally. Setting boundaries, such as limiting screen time, curating social media feeds to include positive and meaningful content, and engaging in offline activities that promote mental wellness, can also help. Dr. Vivek Murthy, the U.S. Surgeon General, emphasizes, "We need to recognize that the time we spend on screens is not neutral. It can have profound effects on our health and well-being, especially for our younger generation."

In conclusion, while the digital age has brought unparalleled opportunities for connection and access to information, it has also introduced new mental health challenges that require careful consideration and proactive management. Balancing digital engagement with mindfulness, awareness, and healthy boundaries is crucial to maintaining mental health in this interconnected era.

Nitish Batra

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Games and Criminal Behaviour

The intersection of online games and crime is multifaceted and includes both concerns about how games might influence criminal Behaviour and the ways in which gaming environments themselves might be involved in criminal activities. Ensuring safe gaming practices and responsible behaviour both within and outside of the gaming world is key to addressing these issues effectively.

Criminal Activities Involving Online Games:
1. Fraud and Scams
2. Account Theft and Hacking
3. In-Game Theft and Abuse
4. Gambling Issues

Preventive Measures and Best Practices:
1. Parental Controls: Parents should use parental controls and monitoring tools to oversee their children’s gaming activities and ensure they are engaging in games safely.
2. Education and Awareness: Educating players about online safety, including recognizing and avoiding scams can help mitigate risks associated with online gaming.
3. Secure Accounts: Using strong, unique passwords and enabling two-factor authentication can help protect gaming accounts from theft.
4. Mental Health Support: For individuals experiencing problematic gaming behaviour or related issues, seeking support from mental health professionals can be beneficial. This includes addressing any potential links between gaming and criminal behaviour.

While there are concerns about the potential impact of online games on behaviour, it is essential to approach the topic with nuance.

Sandeep Kaur Virdi

"The Power of Atomic Habits: Small Changes, Big Results"

In our quest for personal growth and self-improvement, we often overlook the power of small, consistent actions. Enter atomic habits – the idea that tiny changes can lead to remarkable transformations over time. In this article, we'll explore the principles behind atomic habits and how they can help you create positive change in your life.

1. The 1% Rule:
Atomic habits are based on the concept of the 1% rule – the idea that making small improvements consistently can compound into significant progress. By focusing on small, manageable changes, you can gradually build momentum and achieve long-lasting results.

2. The Habit Loop:
At the core of atomic habits is the habit loop, consisting of a cue, a routine, and a reward. By identifying the cues that trigger your habits, consciously designing new routines, and rewarding yourself for positive behavior, you can reshape your habits and make them work for you.

3. Keystone Habits:
Certain habits have a domino effect, influencing other areas of your life. These are called keystone habits. By identifying and focusing on these keystone habits, you can create a ripple effect of positive change that extends beyond the initial habit.

4. Habit Stacking:
Habit stacking involves linking a new habit to an existing one. By attaching a new behavior to an already established routine, you increase the chances of it becoming a lasting habit. For example, if you want to start reading more, you could stack it with your morning coffee routine.

5. Environment Design:
Your environment plays a significant role in shaping your habits. By making small adjustments to your surroundings, you can make it easier to engage in positive behaviors and avoid temptations. Whether it's organizing your workspace or keeping healthy snacks readily available, environment design can support your atomic habits.

Atomic habits are a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. By focusing on small, consistent actions, you can make lasting changes and achieve your goals. Remember, it's not about making massive overnight transformations, but rather embracing the power of small steps towards progress. Start small, stay consistent, and watch as your atomic habits lead to big results!

Ms Shifali Sharma

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

*Different Flowers in the Garden*

What beautiful flowers of varied hues and gradients,
Swaying from side to side
In the cool breeze and sun.
Some find those purple and pink more pleasing,
Others love the bold dark reds and oranges...
Those that catch everyone's eye.
But who will love the withered and dry?
The ones so hard to acknowledge.
Will there ever be a gardener
Who will change their life?
Only love, support, and kindness
Can uplift their spirits,
And transform them into a lovely masterpiece.

 Ms. Monika Bedi

The Mental Revolution

As a teacher, I emphasize the importance of the concept of mental revolution. Mental revolution refers to a change in thought processes towards one another. While in business, it may focus on the relationship between management and workers, in an organization like a school, it involves the management, the principal, the teachers, the parents, and—most importantly—the students.

Believing that studies are solely the responsibility of teachers and students is unjustified. I strongly believe that parents play a crucial role in shaping their child's academic success. A safe, stress-free environment is essential for students' futures. At school, it is the responsibility of the principal, the management, and the teachers to create such an environment. At home, parents must ensure that the same supportive atmosphere is provided, along with a positive, nurturing environment in which the child spends their time.

Parents should assess their child's capabilities and interests, motivating them to pursue studies in subjects where they are likely to excel. Forcing children to study subjects that do not align with their interests may not yield the best results. 

It is incorrect to place the entire responsibility for a child's academics on teachers. Each of us has an important role to play. Revolutionize your thinking and reject the idea that only the teachers, principal, or school are responsible for a child's development. Remember, we must all share the responsibility for shaping a child's future.

Ms Sneha

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Creator of Society - The Teacher

We all know that with the help of the Guru, we can attain God, meaning we reach our destination. How great is the relationship between the Guru and the disciple! We also refer to the relationship between the Guru and the disciple as the teacher and student. An ideal teacher is  truly worthy of worship. The teacher gives education and the student receives it. Just as a goldsmith molds gold according to his will, similarly a teacher plays a significant role in shaping the student's personality. In simple words, a teacher is called the builder of the country and the nation. A teacher is like a Lighthouse that brings student out of the darkness of ignorance and puts them on the right path of life. Only a good teacher can open the third eye of knowledge for the students and enable them to live their life in the true sense. Today, where there is a prevalence of corruption, to some extent, the educational field and the teachers working in it have become such a profession from which  honesty, high thoughts and high character are expected. Therefore, a teacher is not just an ordinary person but becomes the guide, parent and God for the student.
 *No one else can write imperishable words on the blank paper of a child's mind like a teacher*. Under the shelter of teachers ,students create society and take care of the country's reins. It is often said that education has become a commodity buy it from wherever you want, but this notion is completely wrong. There is a Punjabi proverb" *Without a Guru there is no salvation and without a king there is no respect"*. Even today many teachers fulfill their duties with full dedication such teachers are truly worthy of respect in society. 
" *Just as a tree laden with fruit always bends, similarly, a person filled with knowledge becomes humble"*.
 *" Certainly, in today's Era, people's attitude towards teachers seems to have disappeared, but thank God that good teachers have not disappeared to that extent. If you agree with me, then think about it once"*.

Jayanti Jain

बुरा जो देखन मैं चला बुरा न मिलिया कोय

दूसरों में दोष निकालना मनुष्य का स्वभाव है। दूसरों की निंदा करने से बड़ा सुख और कोई नहीं समझा जाता। मनुष्य का अहंभाव बड़ा प्रबल होता है। वह अपने जैसा किसी दूसरे को नहीं समझता इसलिए अपने दोष नहीं देख पाता। अहंभाव के कारण लोग दूसरों की उन्नति से ईर्ष्या-भाव रखने लगते हैं। किसी को ख्याति मिलने लगे तो उससे घृणा करने लगते हैं। बजाय इसके कि उस जैसा बनने का प्रयत्न करें, उसमें दोष ढूँढ़ने लगते हैं। कोई किसी की पदोन्नति से घृणा करता है तो कोई किसी की धन-संपत्ति से। दूसरों के गुणों से आँखें मूँद लेने का मुख्य कारण आत्म-निरीक्षण का अभाव है। जो मनुष्य अपने दोष स्वीकार करता है उसी के निर्दोष बनने की संभावना है। अपने संबंध में बना हुआ उसका भ्रम टूट जाता है तथा उसे पता लगता है कि वह स्वयं बुराइयों की खान है। वास्तव में छोटी-छोटी करके असंख्य बुराइयाँ हममें छिपी होती हैं जिन्हें  नजदीक होकर यदि हम देखें तो चकित रह जाएँ। अपने दोषों को जानकर ही हम अपने आचरण में सुधार ला सकते हैं, पर अपने दोषों को जानना सहज नहीं है।

रचना वर्मा

Saturday, September 7, 2024

*Why Teachers' Day Matters*

In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to take teachers for granted. Teachers' Day provides an opportunity to pause and reflect on the immense impact they have on our lives. It's a day to express gratitude for their hard work, patience, and dedication. Whether through a simple thank you, a heartfelt note, or a small token of appreciation, acknowledging their efforts goes a long way in motivating them to continue their noble work.

Teachers' Day is also a time to recognize the evolving challenges that educators face in the modern world. From adapting to new technologies to addressing the diverse needs of students, the demands on teachers are ever-increasing. Yet, they continue to rise to the occasion, driven by their passion for teaching and their commitment to their students.

As we celebrate Teachers' Day, let’s remember that teaching is not just a profession—it's a vocation. Teachers have the unique ability to influence young minds and shape the future. Their contribution to society is invaluable, and their impact lasts a lifetime. So, let’s honor our teachers, past and present, for their unwavering commitment to education and their enduring influence on our lives.

Happy Teachers' Day!

Geetanjali  Gulati

Friday, September 6, 2024

Lack of decency in new generation

The new generation, growing up in a world of rapid technological advancements and shifting societal values, seems to be lacking in decency. The rise of social media has led to a culture of anonymity, where individuals feel emboldened to express themselves without empathy or kindness. The constant exposure to violence, negativity, and disrespect in media and online platforms has desensitized many young people, making it challenging for them to understand the impact of their words and actions on others. 
 Furthermore, the decline of face-to-face interactions and deep conversations has hindered the development of essential social skills like active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution. 

As a result, we're witnessing a generation that often prioritizes self-interest over kindness, respect, and compassion, leaving many to wonder if decency is becoming a lost virtue. It's crucial for parents, educators, and role models to step in and teach the importance of decency, empathy, and kindness to ensure a more harmonious and respectful society.


Politeness is a necessary virtue for all. Being gentle and polite is good behavior that is required by everyone to follow. In order to live a good social life, polite behavior is important. You should not hurt or offend others with rude words but be gentle and polite by all means. Politeness is an outcome of understanding other’s feelings and showing empathy to them. We should be courteous enough to others who express their discomfort. Politeness will leave a positive impression about oneself and will bring respect and honor at all times. In society, being polite with others is a duty. You should stay calm and graceful even when others are showing tantrums. Talking about the deeds and achievements of oneself will make people get annoyed. When you avoid boasting about yourself in public, you will get a subtle charm that adds to your character. Students should learn politeness right from their childhood. They have to respond to situations appropriately and practice polite conversations with peers. 
Polite students respond thoughtfully to various situations. All in all, politeness is an essential character of a civilized person. Politeness is equal to benevolence. 
A polite person is desired by all and leads a happy life. Politeness might cost nothing but adds lots of value to one’s character and personality.

Advantages of politeness :
1. Instills confidence 
2. Open numerous door to opportunities. 
3. Foundation of successful life.
4. Big circle of good and supportive friends.
5. Builds strong relationships

There is good saying on politeness by H W Beecher :

Politeness is like an air-cushion—there may be nothing in it, but it wonderfully eases the joltings along the rough road of life." ⁠

Prabhjot kaur


Climate is the long-term weather pattern in a region, typically averaged over 30 years.
So, what is climate change?

Our Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere made up of gases. When sunlight enters our atmosphere, some of the sun’s heat is trapped by the gas, and some bounces back out into space. By trapping that heat, our atmosphere keeps Earth warm enough to live on. Without it, our planet would be very cold, like Mars. But during the past few hundred years, oil, gas, and coal have powered homes, cars, and factories. These energy sources release a gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. This gas traps heat that would otherwise escape Earth’s atmosphere. That increases Earth’s temperature, which contributes to the planet’s warming. The Earth’s average temperature has increased about 1.5°F in the past hundred years. This temperature increase has caused melting glaciers, drought etc.

Climate change affects more than temperature. Warmer water changes the patterns of ocean currents, some places will receive more rainfall, which could lead to flooding, while other places will get less, which might mean drought, tropical storms could be stronger, and a continuing rise in sea level due to melting polar ice might push people out of their homes.  Due to increase in warmth, there will be more disease-carrying mosquitoes as they thrive in warm, wet weather. More people could contract illnesses such as malaria as the Earth warms. To keep a check on the climate change, we should keep a check on our everyday actions as your everyday actions affect people, plants, and animals all over the world. So be cool by doing your best to keep Earth well … cool!

Vasudha Soni

Travel More and Stress Less

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller
Between vacations, many daydream about what adventures the next trip holds. You can spend your days switching back and forth from looking at your favorite travel photos to trying to go about your day to day life. But a few friendly reminders that the next  adventure is closer than you think can help you put your wanderlust to rest.Traveling is often considered a great way to refresh the mind. Experiencing new places, cultures, and environments can provide a break from routine, reduce stress, and offer new perspectives. Whether it's a short getaway or a longer journey, traveling allows you to disconnect from daily worries, explore new surroundings, and engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation. It's a wonderful way to rejuvenate your mind and come back with renewed energy and inspiration. So Travel More And Stress Less!

Kalyani Punj

*Expectations vs reality*

Expectations and reality are two entities that often collapse,leaving us disappointed, frustrated or even devastated. We all have Expectatio...