Monday, October 16, 2023

Fibonacci Numbers

Let's dive into the fascinating topic of Fibonacci numbers. Named after the famous Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci, these numbers have a unique sequence. Starting with 0 and 1, each subsequent number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The sequence goes like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on. Fibonacci numbers can be found in nature, art, and even music! They create beautiful spiral patterns, like the growth patterns of pinecones and sunflowers. In art, they are often used to create visually appealing compositions. The connection between math and nature is truly mesmerizing!

Ms. Pinky Chana


1 comment:

*Expectations vs reality*

Expectations and reality are two entities that often collapse,leaving us disappointed, frustrated or even devastated. We all have Expectatio...