Monday, October 7, 2024

*Expectations vs reality*

Expectations and reality are two entities that often collapse,leaving us disappointed, frustrated or even devastated. We all have Expectations about ourselves, others, relationships, careers and life in general. 
The gap between Expectations and reality is increasing in today's Era making it challenging for us to understand ourselves  and others. *But what happens when reality fails to meet these expectations?* 
The expectation reality gap refers to what we anticipate and what actually occurs. This cap can arise when the expectations are unrealistic. Like *Social media platforms* often showcase a curated,unrealistic version of life,leading youth to develop unattainable Expectations and a distorted view of reality. 
The glamourized online world can be detrimental to young minds, fostering unhealthy comparison, low-esteem and a fall sense of reality. 
To minimise the expectation-reality gap ground your expectations in reality, clarify Expectations with others to avoid misunderstandings,focus on the present rather than idealized Expectations, surround yourself with the supportive individuals who encourage growth.

Ms. Jayanti

*How Artificial Intelligence Helps in Learning Experience:*

Children by using Artificial Intelligence learning strategies can learn at their own pace. AI techniques help in predicting how a student will learn, so the student can make material that fits into his or her learner’s goals and past successes. AI has a big impact on how each student’s education is personalized. Teachers can customize learning experiences to each student’s unique needs, preferences, and learning styles by utilizing AI techniques.

 Platforms like BYJU'S assess a student’s understanding of a subject and adjust the difficulty level of the content accordingly. This ensures that students neither get bored by the content or find it too easy nor are overwhelmed by the content that is too difficult.

Ms. Vasudha Soni

Acceptance and Happiness

Letting go is not about releasing, it's about accepting what already is.” Acceptance is one of the key pillars of a happy life. The attitude of acceptance has the power to neutralize many noises in our head and to find answers to many unanswered questions. When you accept who you are, your mind comes to ease. You can make your life much better when you start accepting things as they are.Throughout life, we are always in search of the biggest flower. We always want to achieve more, earn more, and live kingsize, but in the end, many end up disappointed. So, does it mean that striving for more, working hard, and dreaming big is bad? Absolutely not. These are essential components of life. But it’s also necessary that, in pursuit of the biggest flower, we shouldn't overlook the importance of timing. The moment we learn to accept that the flower in hand is the biggest and most elegant one is the day our lives change. We should not waste too much time on things that will not lead to happiness and peace. We often spend years of our lives in agony for those few days of happiness a big flower might bring.At last, remember that you cannot change or improve anything that is not willing to change. To change or make something better, you have to accept it as it is now.
“Have the composure to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know when to accept and when to change.”

Ms. Kirti

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Money , happiness and relationships

It's a debating topic. Money is essential for the fulfillment of our desires. But its not necessary that we can get happiness and create good bonds between our relations with money.  It can be  challenging to maintain peace in a relationship, with money being a deciding factor.  However  beyond a certain point, the increase in the finances brings happiness but diminishes the relationships due to the egoistic behaviour. It's rightly said that once basic needs met, the bond between money and happiness becomes weaker. 

Most importantly, Earlier only man was a sole breadwinner . But now a days both men and women contributes equally. The problem arises when incomes become constant and expenses become beyond the expectations and a point comes where they both become helpless to handle the burden and their relationship suffers. It creates differences in them. Their happiness get lost. 

It's not in the case of couples. It's happening everywhere in every relationship. If you have sound finances you are surrounded with cluster of friends . If any case you have lack of money no relationship, no happiness . 

In the nutshell I end up with the lines that while money can  significantly contribute to happiness by ensuring basic needs and providing security, it cannot guarantee long term contentment.  True happiness comes from beautiful relationships and personal fulfilment.  Hence money can buy comfort but not happiness and long lasting relationships.

Prabhjot Kaur

Why is art education important for school children ?

The question whether art education is necessary for children at school has drawn much attention from the public. While some people argue that teaching art subjects is a waste of time, I believe that it is significant for children to learn art-related subjects.

At the outset, it is thought by a handful of people that art education at school is a waste of time. There are more important subjects that would benefit children for their future life. Science, technology and mathematics, for example, are of great significant subjects which allow students to find a good job after graduation. On the other hand, studying arts does not lead to a successful career. It is easy to see that these days, most artists have been struggling to make a living from selling their work of art.

Despite the above arguments, from my perspective, learning art is necessary for students at school because of some radical reasons. Firstly, art subjects including music, drawing, painting and sculpture allow children to enter a state of relaxation. After concentration on STEM subjects, what learners need is to unwind useful physical activities in order to make a balance. For instance, singing a song in the musical class could bring positive emotion to students. Secondly, studying art could improve performance in other subjects. It is true that art enhances fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills which may assist children in attaining better learning outcomes.

In conclusion, although several individuals claim that it is a waste of time for art education, it seems to me that having access to art classes is essential for children.

Jaswinder Kaur

Friday, September 27, 2024

Self Grooming : An integral part of Womanhood

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever it's lovelinesss increases  it will never pass into not sexhingness"
John Keats

Love your body it really works :-some people consider beauty care as competition or mere survival  good health.Your good looks indeed  is a reflection of your kindness to the word. The Way you move and stand have a pride in your self.firstly yourself and improve what you are.Good grooming is a good manners.

Perfect posture is your most positive statement -:Love your body  and everyone else will too.Keep your body well tended ,clean and Regular medical check ups and twice a year to the dentist vitamins and a balanced diet , enough sleep..all these are your allies.Use them Study body language.Learn to convey your message by your movements.Perfect posture is one of your most positive statements.

Wear what is right for you:
"Look for  the woman in the dress is the main theme in today's world 
"If there is no woman ,theris no dressing 
Always wear clean and comfortable clothes 
Go with fashion , but don't your self  into fashion slavery
Other etiquettes
Politeness: Be kind and respectful to others.
Communication: Practice clear and effective communication.

 Be attentive: Be attentive to those around you.

Neha Uppal

*Rediscovering Innocence in the Adult World*

In the hustle and complexity of adult life, we often forget that deep within each of us resides a child—a being that marvels at the world with wonder, plays with reckless abandon, and dares to dream beyond the limits of logic. While society dictates that we mature, adopt responsibility, and conform to certain standards of behavior, the inner child persists, quietly yearning to express itself. This paradoxical existence of the adult and the child within forms a nuanced tapestry that is both delicate and profound.
At its core, the idea that "there is a child in every man" speaks to the innocence, curiosity, and playfulness that continue to define our humanity, no matter how sophisticated or cynical we may become. In a world driven by pragmatism and the unrelenting pursuit of goals, we often lose sight of these qualities. But they manifest in surprising moments—whether it's the unabashed joy we experience during simple pleasures, the sense of awe when we encounter nature's beauty, or even the vulnerability we feel in situations of love and loss.

The Playful Spirit: Fuel for Creativity

Perhaps one of the most significant ways the inner child reveals itself is through creativity. For many adults, creativity is viewed as a skill set or a profession. But, in truth, it is an expression of that same playful spirit we had as children. Whether it’s in writing, painting, building, or even problem-solving, the creative process involves a degree of imagination that transcends the mundane. The child within dares us to dream, invent, and reimagine the world, defying conventional boundaries.
Think about those moments of spontaneous laughter, those impromptu games, or whimsical thoughts that cross your mind, despite the pressure of daily routines. These are echoes of the untainted child inside—the one who still believes in endless possibilities. The same child who once believed a cardboard box could be a spaceship now fuels the adult's wild ambition to innovate and challenge norms. The creative adult is often the child who survived.

Vulnerability and Trust: Lessons from Youth

If creativity is one facet of the inner child, vulnerability is another. Children are naturally open, unguarded, and unafraid to express their emotions. Adults, on the other hand, tend to build walls—layers of self-protection, shaped by experiences of rejection, failure, or pain. But there are moments when these walls crumble, revealing our raw, human need for connection and trust.
Vulnerability, though often seen as a weakness, is in fact a bridge to authenticity. The child in us is not ashamed of needing others, of seeking comfort, or expressing fear. This vulnerability, when embraced, enables us to form genuine relationships and experience empathy on a deeper level. It teaches us that strength is not in hiding our emotions, but in the courage to express them.
Even in love, it’s the childlike ability to trust that allows us to open up fully to others, despite the risks. A child believes in the goodness of others without hesitation; an adult, jaded by time, forgets that such faith is not only possible but necessary for profound connection.

Rediscovering Joy in Simplicity

One of the most poignant characteristics of childhood is the ability to find joy in the simplest things. While adulthood bombards us with obligations and anxieties, there is always an undercurrent of joy waiting to be rediscovered if we allow ourselves to pause and listen.
The inner child does not need grand achievements or material wealth to feel fulfilled. A walk in the park, the sound of birdsong, the sight of stars on a clear night—these are moments of pure, unfiltered joy that the child recognizes immediately. The adult, steeped in deadlines and expectations, may overlook these wonders. But they are there, patiently waiting to be acknowledged.
This sense of wonder is not naivety, but a form of wisdom. The child in us understands what many adults fail to grasp: happiness often resides in the little things, in the present moment, and in the ability to simply be without agenda or aspiration.

The Eternal Struggle: Balancing the Child and the Adult

As we navigate the responsibilities of adulthood, we face the challenge of keeping our inner child alive while maintaining the poise expected of us. The adult self, driven by logic and societal expectation, often clashes with the child’s desire for spontaneity and freedom. Yet, it is in finding a balance between these two selves that we achieve true harmony.
The inner child should not be viewed as something that needs to be “tamed” or suppressed. On the contrary, it is the source of our most authentic selves. It is a reminder of who we are beneath the layers of conformity, caution, and complexity. The challenge lies in integrating that childlike essence into our adult lives—allowing ourselves to play, to dream, and to love unconditionally, even in a world that often discourages such behavior

* Embracing the Child Within*

The child within every man is a gift—a source of endless curiosity, unrestrained creativity, and unyielding hope. In a world that prizes adulthood, with its associated gravitas and responsibilities, it’s important to remember that maturity does not mean forsaking the joy and wonder of childhood. Instead, it is about balancing the two: the wisdom of the adult with the heart of the child.
In moments of silence, when the noise of the world fades, we can still hear the voice of that child, reminding us to look at life with fresh eyes and an open heart. For in every man, no matter how burdened or aged, there remains the spirit of the child—vibrant, hopeful, and ready to play.

Rosy Sharma

*Expectations vs reality*

Expectations and reality are two entities that often collapse,leaving us disappointed, frustrated or even devastated. We all have Expectatio...